The ultimate goal of Civitia is to acquire cities by playing in order to collect rents, while collaborating with other players to achieve collective goals. Civitia empowers players to create their own social and financial strategies and decisions.
Civitia Rules
Players start playing by rolling the dice and landing on a specific city.
When visiting a city, players are required to pay rent in order to move forward.
Rent payments vary depending on the type of user (see Rent cost penalty below).
Players can also land on special squares that have their own features.
When staying in a city, the user has also the opportunity to mint a unit of it.
The cost of minting a city is dynamic and depends on its bonding curve.
When minting a unit, the user will start collecting rents from other players.
Rents are distributed linearly but boosts may apply.
Boosts can be obtained by minting a residence or completing sets.
Units can be burned in exchange for INIT at any time, based on their current price.
Seasons are weekly competitions between cities and residents.
Players with an active residence automatically contribute to it and earn Tax Points as they play.
Tax Points can be collectively used to sabotage cities.
Cities score define their radiation and set their base rents.
Players earn 1 SILVER for 1 Contribution to their city of residence.
If a player does not throw the dice at least one time within 24 hours, the player units will stop collecting rents and will turn into Inactive mode. Only Active units accrue rent earnings.
Rent cost penalty
Rent cost penalty can be seen as a wealth tax and is method to incentivize new players to play Civitia. Players with more units are required to pay higher rents when they land on a city whilst new players only pay the base rent of the city.
On the other hand, due to paying higher rents wealthy players with active residences contribute more to their cities of residence, and therefore earn more SILVER and Tax Points.
0-19 units
20-39 units
40-59 units
60-99 units
≥ 100 units
Last updated