Special squares
Civitia special squares contain specific mechanics around financial, social and gaming features.
Jail square
When landing on the jail square, players are required to take a decision: Bail or Bribe the officer.
When choosing to bail, players need to pay a specific amount to get out of jail. When choosing to bribe the officer, lucky players may be able to get out of jail for a cheaper amount or end up paying more than the initial bail price.
All the proceeds from jail square are accrued as jackpots and distributed in Seasons.
Bunker square
Bunkers are similar to normal cities but they only have one owner.
When landing on a bunker, any user is able to mint a unit. When minting it, the previous owner unit is auto-burned at the same price.
Minting price of bunkers increments with the total number of mints.
Bunker rents work like normal cities but in this case the owner earns 100% of the rents.
Bunkers have health and can be destroyed collectively using Tax Points. Last owner's unit is destroyed and its INIT is lost. Once destroyed, price of the bunker is restored to its initial price.
Bunker units can't be manually burned by their owners.
Bunkers have two type of inherent social features:
The owner's Initia address is shown so everybody can know who currently owns it.
Bunker owners are able to collect all rents from other players until they coordinate enough to destroy it and restore its initial price.
Bunkers are permanent in the Civitia board. See the table below to find the active bunkers:
0.5 INIT
INIT = 0.5n + 0.5
0.05 INIT
Where n = amount of units minted
Tax Authority square
When landing on a Tax Authority square, players are required to File Taxes if they hold ≥ 1 TP.
When filing taxes, players can earn X2 their current Tax Points or lose them all.
Players have the ability to use their Tax Points instead of filing for taxes.
Last updated